English translation for "dominant player"
- 主导者
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- Example Sentences:
| 1. | During his period , yao can ' t be a dominant player 在这段时期里,姚明还不足以独当一面。 | | 2. | As a dominant player in the industry , we look forward to furthering our lead through continuous product and technology advancement . 作为行业中的翘楚,新威将透过持续的产品创新及技术改进,进一步巩固其领导地位。 | | 3. | Before ballack ascended to captain the german team , the dominant player was goalkeeper oliver kahn , known for his temper and for animal roars at fellow players and for leaving his pregnant wife for a waitress 在巴拉克戴上德国队袖标之前,德国队的头狼是门神卡恩,以火爆脾气、向队友们的狮吼以及为一个酒吧女抛弃了怀孕的妻子闻名。 | | 4. | Venture capital has been the driving force behind some of the most vibrant sectors of the us economy over the past two decades . venture capitalists were instrumental in fostering the tremendous growth of firms such as microsoft , compaq , which were all founded less than 20 years ago , but have rapidly become dominant players in the high technology arena . while the contributions venture capital makes to the economy overall are underexplored , there exists a widespread belief that venture capital is instrumental in bringing innovations to maker at a rapid pace , thereby creating economic growth , jobs , and opportunities for further technological innovation 世界上许多发达国家的风险资本市场发展迅猛,以美国为例,近20年来风险资本行业被视为美国经济增长的发动机,在创办不到20年的微软、康柏等it行业的大公司的发展过程中,风险资本扮演了重要的角色,风险资本加快技术革新和市场发展的步伐,带动经济发展,从而增加就业机会[ 2 ] 。 |
- Similar Words:
- "dominant period" English translation, "dominant personality" English translation, "dominant phenotype" English translation, "dominant phonemic feature" English translation, "dominant plant" English translation, "dominant pole" English translation, "dominant pole compensation" English translation, "dominant pool" English translation, "dominant pool method" English translation, "dominant portion of forest" English translation